Normal Labor and Delivery in Noida

It is the nature’s way of bringing baby out of mother’s womb after a safe carrying time of 37weeks.

Labor is divided into three stages

First stage

First stage

Onset of true labor pains to full (10cm) dilatation of cervix.

Second stage

Second stage

Full dilatation of cervix to Delivery of baby

Third stage

Third stage

Delivery of Baby to delivery of placenta

First Stage of Labor​

Normal Labor is heralded by spontaneous onset of painful contractions of the uterus which result in softening and dilatation of the cervix (mouth of uterus). Mostly, it is associated with blood stained mucoid discharge from vagina (show).You would be advised to get admitted to labor ward at this stage. As these contractions of uterus increase gradually in severity and come more frequently they may result in, leaking of amniotic fluid through vagina, breaking of the water bag.

The initial part of first stage of labor is called the latent phase. The standard duration of the latent first stage has not been established and can vary widely from one woman to another. As the cervical dilatation progresses from 5 cm until full dilatation, regular painful uterine contractions become more intense and this characterizes the active first stage of labor and usually does not extend beyond 10-12hours.

Fetal well being is assessed in healthy pregnant women in labor by auscultation of fetal heart rate

Per vaginum (PV) examination is required to check the progress of labor in active phase.

Relaxation techniques, including progressive muscle relaxation, breathing, music, mindfulness and other techniques are recommended for healthy pregnant women requesting pain relief during labour, depending on a woman’s preferences.

Manual techniques, such as massage or application of warm packs may also be used.

Parenteral opioids, such as fentanyl, diamorphine and pethidine may be prescribed on request for pain relief. Labor analgesia can be requested by inhalational analgesia, epidural analgesia at the start of active first stage.

Mostly you are encouraged to assume the position of choice and be mobile and in upright position.

Mostly you are allowed drinking liquids & eating food to stay hydrated and energized.

You may be given intravenous fluids with or without medication to augment labor pains.

High risk women may require more intensive monitoring with continuous CTG.

Second stage of Labor

During this stage, expulsive uterine contractions cause an involuntary urge to bear down.The duration of the second stage varies with birth completed within 2 to 3 hours.

Need for episiotomy is assessed by your doctor depending on the size of baby and rigidity of the perineum.

If required then a local anesthetic drug is infiltrated so that you don’t feel the pain while a small cut is given to widen the introitus and facilitate delivery.

The baby is delivered and placed on your abdomen.

Third stage of labor

An oxytocic drug(Oxytocin (10 IU, IM/IV)) is given to prevent excessive blood loss after delivery.

The cord is clamped after cord pulsations disappear and cut. Cord blood sample may be taken for stem cell preservation if desired.

Baby is handed over to pediatrician.

Placenta is removed by controlled cord traction and examined for completeness.

Maternal perineum is inspected for any injuries and a digital rectal examination is performed.

Episiotomy or any tears are stitched under local anesthesia using absorbable sutures.

Usually the mother is observed for some time after delivery and encouraged to take a light snack.

Skin to skin contact of baby and mother and initiation of breast feeding are encouraged as soon as possible.


Prolonged labor- usually pains are augmented with drugs

Failure to baby to descend in birth passage or failure of cervix to dilate

Obstructed labor

Obstructed labor bigger baby gets stuck in smaller passage or if baby is in an unfavourable position or attitude- cesarean section is required

Heart beat of baby becomes abnormal- fetal distress

Baby passes meconium in early labor with unfavourable cervix

Cord comes out as the water bag breaks

Mother is exhausted and unable to push in second stage- instrumental delivery with vaccum may be required

Fetal distress in second stage with head at perineum- outlet forceps may be required

Complete Perineal tear- may require to be stitched in OT

Cervical tear

Post partum hemorrhage- medical +/- surgical management

Vulval hematoma- drainage and resuturring

For Appointments

Get in touch with Us


+91 88006 06562



Fortis Hospital, Sector 62, Noida
Timings : 9am to 5 pm, Monday to Saturday
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Address 2

The Gyne Clinic, Ganga Shopping Complex, Sector 29, NOIDA (Near Botanical garden metro station)
Timing : 5pm to 8 pm, Monday to Saturday
Sunday : By Appointments
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    Call Dr. Neha Gupta