Robotic Hysterectomy v/s Traditional Hysterectomy: What’s the Difference?

Robotic Hysterectomy v/s Traditional Hysterectomy: What’s the Difference?

Let’s explore the difference between these two procedures of hysterectomy surgery and understand how they impact patient outcomes, recovery time, and the overall surgical experience. If you are looking for hysterectomy surgery in Noida, consider consulting Dr. Neha to get effective results.

Hysterectomy Surgery in Noida: An Overview

A hysterectomy is a major surgical procedure for the removal of the uterus and cervix. After this procedure, women cannot conceive. This surgery is done to address various gynaecological conditions, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain, and uterine prolapse. Hysterectomy surgery can be performed with various techniques, including abdominal, laparoscopic, and robotic-assisted techniques.

There are different types of hysterectomy surgery in Noida, including total hysterectomy, in which complete removal of your cervix and uterus is involved. The second is a partial or supracervical hysterectomy, in which only a portion of your uterus is removed and the cervix remains intact. Another type of hysterectomy is radical hysterectomy, which includes the removal of your uterus, cervix, the tissue around your cervix, and the upper portion of your vagina.

The type of surgical hysterectomy depends on the individual’s conditions and overall health. It is important to consult your gynaecologist to determine the most appropriate approach.

Let’s go through the differences between robotic hysterectomy and traditional hysterectomy.

Robotic Hysterectomy

Robotic hysterectomy includes the removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and cervix with minimal incisions.  It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves the precise removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and cervix using robotic technology and small incisions in the abdomen.

What Happens During the Procedure?

There are several steps in the process of robotic hysterectomy, and those are mentioned below.

During the process of robotic hysterectomy, the first step includes giving the patient either general or local anaesthesia so that they remain unconscious and pain-free during surgery.

After this, several small incisions are made around 0.5 to 1 centimetre in the abdomen by the surgical instruments and the robotic arms. In robotic hysterectomy, the robotic system setup is done in which the surgeon positions the camera to get clear access to the surgical site. Then the surgeon only controls the robotic arms to perform the hysterectomy by carefully dissecting and removing the uterus, cervix, and possibly the fallopian tubes.

During this procedure, robotic arms allow for precise movements and enhanced visualisation.

Hysterectomy surgery in Noida 
Laparoscopic hysterectomy

Benefits of Robotic Hysterectomy

There are severe benefits of robotic-assisted hysterectomy, and that includes the following:

  • A minimally invasive procedure
  • Precise movements with greater dexterity
  • Enhanced visualisation with a 3D camera
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Reduced risk of complications

Traditional Hysterectomy

Traditional hysterectomy, also known as open hysterectomy, is one in which the uterus and sometimes the cervix are removed through large incisions in the lower abdomen as compared to robotic hysterectomy.  This approach has been used for many years and is considered traditional surgery for performing a hysterectomy. It can treat various gynaecological conditions, such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, uterine bleeding, cervical cancer, and chronic pelvic pain.

Procedure for Traditional Hysterectomy

In a traditional hysterectomy, the patient is administered anaesthesia to make them unconscious. The surgeon then proceeds to make one large incision in the lower abdomen. The incision provides direct access to the uterus and surrounding structures, which allows the surgeons to carefully dissect and remove the uterus and cervix as needed. 

Traditional hysterectomy offers a direct view and access to the surgical site and typically results in longer recovery and larger scars. However, robotic hysterectomy offers enhanced visualisation and precise movements with smaller incisions, resulting in shorter recovery time, reduced postoperative pain, and smaller scars.

Benefits of Traditional Hysterectomy

Traditional hysterectomy offers some advantages, including the following:

  • Direct access to the pelvic organs, providing a clear view of the surgical site
  • Treats a wide range of gynaecological conditions
  • Cost-effective when compared to advanced methods

Get Hysterectomy Surgery in Noida – Dr. Neha Gupta

In this blog, we have explored the key differences between traditional and laparoscopic hysterectomy, highlighting their differences and benefits. If you’re looking for a hysterectomy surgery in Noida, then reach out to Dr. Neha Gupta, a renowned gynaecologist and robotic surgeon in Noida, who specialises in minimally invasive gynaecological procedures like laparoscopy and robotic surgeries.


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