Second Trimester Diet Plan: Here’s What to Eat and What to Avoid

Congratulations! You’ve now moved into the second trimester of your pregnancy. It’s time to take care of your health and dietary habits. Read this blog to learn what should be your second trimester diet. SECOND TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY Welcome into the ‘golden period’ of pregnancy! Every pregnancy is divided into three different stages known as trimesters, i.e., the first, second,…

Exercises and Nutrition in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very important landmark for families and individuals. Everyone wants a healthy baby and uneventful pregnancy. Routine obstetrician checkup is important to ensure the good health of the mother and fetus. Any complications arising during pregnancy can be managed timely so as not to impact the health of the child.   Something most neglected is exercise and nutrition…

Nutrition in Pregnancy

Preg is a special time – full of joy, excitement, apprehension and advises Correct Knowledge of what to eat often missing from busy OPDs Very important to eat right- meet demands of growing fetus Myth=Eat for two…. instead eat twice as healthy Extra calories ( fourth month onwards) 350 Cal/ day@single baby 600 Cal/ day@twins 900 Cal/ day@ triplets Take…

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